Stagii pe Bune Iași Launch Program - March 9th 2024

08:45 Arrival of participants (+ ☕)
09:15Opening sessionAndrei PanuFII and Stagii pe Bune
Welcome speechAdrian IfteneFII
Welcome speechValerică Greavu-ȘerbanFEAA
Welcome speechDaniela TarniceriuETTI
Welcome speechAdrian BurlacuAC
Welcome speechLenuța AlboaieFII, CTT-iT, Stagii pe Bune
09:30Internships at GreenSoftMihai Ghiuzan, Carina UrsariuGreenSoft
09:35Internships at camLineSergiu Ursan, Gabriel ZahariacamLine
09:40Internships at Heaven SolutionsAlexandra Brem, Mihai MinuțHeaven Solutions
09:45Internships at Nexus MediaCristian Simionescu, Daniel DăniloaiaNexus Media
09:50Internships at Vitesco TechnologiesMadalina Durnea, Mihai-Alexandru TomaVitesco Technologies
10:05Internships at CentricAndreea Buliga, Alexandru AmarghioaleiCentric
10:20Internships at AMDCătălin Topcea, Marius-Octavian BulhacAdvanced Micro Devices (AMD)
10:35Internships at ContinentalDaniel Tololoi, Eusebiu Anghel, Denisa Chihaia, Andrei BalmușContinental
10:50Internships at ShorelineAlin BurlacuShoreline
11:05Internships at AmazonPaul Farauanu, Nicolae AbacioaieiAmazon
11:20Internships at TremendMarian ChirnoagăTremend
11:35Internships at XWikiȘtefana Nazare, Neculai DăscălițaXWiki
11.50Internships at Apollo AI TechnologiesMihaela OnofreiApollo AI Technologies
11:55Internships at BitdefenderAlexandru Cîtea, Florin Filip, Cristian AndreiBitdefender
12:10Internships at Code for RomaniaGheorghe LupuCode for Romania
12:15 - 14:30 Questions and Answers addressed directly to partner companies at the stand (+ 🍽️)
14:30Closing of the Event and Registration for Internships on